Trusts and Foundations
We look to develop partnerships that allow us to offer a rich programme of opportunities for young talent.
We are proud to nurture future generations of performers, directors, writers, producers, designers and backstage staff. We aim to make our work accessible to all who want to take part. Our flagship talent development programmes – The NYT REP Company and Playing Up – are justly acclaimed by our industry peers.
We develop new audiences for our work, on stage, on film and online. Our alumni are employed in theatres and in the wider creative industries across the UK and worldwide. We train and employ youth theatre practitioners, many of whom were members of NYT, strengthening the country’s creative workforce.
We are very grateful to those trusts and foundations who support us. In the past year these include:
The Allen & Overy Foundation, The AKO Foundation, The Barcapel Foundation, The Clothworkers’ Foundation, The Ernst Cook Trust, The Catherine Cookson Trust, The Noel Coward Foundation, Peter De Haan Charitable Trust, The D’Oyly Carte Charitable Trust, Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, The Four Acre Trust, The Garrick Charitable Trust, The Goldsmiths' Company, The Idlewild Trust, If Chloe Can, The Kirby Laing Foundation, The L&Q Foundation, The Leathersellers' Company, The Leverhulme Trust, Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation, The Mackintosh Foundation, The McGrath Charitable Trust, The Mercers’ Company, The Brian Mitchell Charitable Settlement, The David Pearlman Charitable Foundation, Jack Petchey Foundation, Pureland Foundation, The Rank Foundation, Schroder Charity Trust, The Henry Smith Charity, Sophie’s Silver Lining Fund, Teale Charitable Trust, The Sir Jules Thorn Charitable Trust, The Wessex Youth Trust and The Harold Hyam Wingate Foundation.
If you would like to discuss opportunities to support our work, please contact
Isobel Keig, Development Officer - Trusts and Foundations on 020 3696 7060 or at