2.28 Million Minds Event
On Thursday 12 May we were pleased to host a 2.8 Million Minds event at our Creative Production House in north London.
The event was one of a series of meet ups for young people who may have experience mental health challenges and how the arts can support them.
The event was co-designed and facilitated with a group of young people and will be a combination of young people, artists, arts organisations, health workers and youth workers atending.
2.28 Million minds are building a network to support young people’s mental health through art. They are hosting quarterly gatherings to build a network of young people, artists, arts organisations, health workers, youth workers and those impacted by the continued crisis in young people’s mental health support.
Their wish is to create a network of people, knowledge and organisations able to produce amazing art with young people impacted by mental health challenges.
At the event attendees shared experiences, knowledge, needs, frustrations, resources and plans so we can learn collectively, support each other and build capacity. The quarterly event will be hosted by artist and mental health activist ‘the vacuum cleaner’ but they are working towards the space being facilitated by young people with lived experience over the coming year.
2.8 Million Minds is a collaboration between Chisenhale Gallery, Bernie Grant Arts Centre and the vacuum cleaner.
The project is part of the Mayor of London’s Culture and Creative Industries Unit, Funded by Baring Foundation and Thrive LDN as part of Thriving Through Culture.
2.8 Million Minds received high commendation from the Culture Health & Wellbeing Alliance's Collective Power Award 2022. More info here.