Playing Up! 2016/17 Recruitment
We are now recruiting NYT Members and non-Members for Playing Up 2016/17!
Playing Up! is a free OCN Level 3 accredited nine month drama training programme, offering you the opportunity to gain an Access to Higher Education Diploma in Theatre Arts, which is equivalent to 2 ‘A’ Levels. This intensive theatre training course has been running for 4 years and has had an 85% success rate of moving young people into employment, further education or training.
We recruit 25 young people aged between 19 and 24 years, who were not in education, employment or training and work with them for 10 months each year (September - July).
At the end of the course they will present two graduation plays at a professional London venue. The course focuses on performance skills such as movement, voice, devising, naturalism, and character work and scene study. There is also an academic element which starts as reviewing plays into structuring essays and then a final essay/research project, but it is very practical!
For more information about Playing Up and to apply ready for the September 2016 start, please get in touch with Emily, at