This Week at NYT | Early bird auditions, VR project, and jobs galore!
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Apply to NYT!
Early bird auditions and interviews for 2019 are now open for booking! If you’re 14-25, looking for a new challenge and want to join our exciting company then this might be the perfect opportunity for you!
Apply now and take advantage of our discounted early bird price
A London Theatre Experience
This week our A London Theatre Experience participants have busy been taking part in Audition Technique, Voice, and Skills development sessions as well as catching a whole load of West End shows including Tartuffe and Everybody’s Talking About Jamie!
Read more about the course here!
REP Season
Preparation for our 2018 REP Season is well underway! Our REP Company are currently in rehearsal for Consensual by Evan Placey, at the Soho Theatre, directed by Pia Furtado.
Don’t forget, tickets for our REP Season are now on sale. You can grab yours here!
Virtual Reality
This week a company of NYT Members have been working with NYT Alumni Megaverse and director Sean Hollands in Sheffield, exploring the relationship between VR and theatre in a ground breaking new project. Today the company are sharing the product of their work, so make sure to check it out.
We’re hiring!
Looking for a new position? We’re currently recruiting for two positions at NYT.
We’ve just opened up applications for a new Marketing Manager to join our team. Got the right skills? Submit your application here
Applications close on the 8 August for our new 2018/19 Playing Up Course Assistant. Have you done Creative Leadership training with NYT? Want to get involved in our unique accredited training course? Apply here
Alumni and Member news
Playing Up Alumnus Victor Oshin who also appeared in Our Days of Rage is playing Othello in ETT’s tour
NYT Alumnus Conor Collins has an exhibit Hayes at The Old Bank Gallery.