From NYT to HE - Poppy's Story
Poppy was a member of our Access to Higher Education Course Playing Up
Watch her story and join us to start yours today #StoryTellersStartHere
Thank You
We are proud to acknowledge the support of everyone who makes our Access to Higher Education work possible, including:
Our principal supporter Arts Council England and these supporters of the 2023/24 Playing Up Company: The JGA Group; The Leverhulme Trust; Greater London Authority’s New Deal for Young People, supported by the Mayor of London through the Propel collaboration; The Clothworkers’ Foundation; Christina Smith Foundation for the Alan Macdonald Bursaries; Jacqueline Worswick; The Harold Hyam Wingate Foundation for The Wingate Tutors; Jack Petchey Foundation and Lucille Graham Trust. We would also like to thank the Portal Trust who were one of the supporters of the 2021/22 Playing Up Company that Poppy was a part of.